Twenty-five years later and it's still a gut-wrenching surprise when the shuttle transforms into a plume of smoke. I was a sophomore in high school. I don't really remember the moment. Getting old. It feels like I was watching it live, that day and the next few after we all saw the footage so many times it's become ingrained. It's more likely though I heard the announcement over the loudspeaker in class.
If there's a song that helps me process my feelings about the event, and the current state of the space program, it's Billy Bragg's "The Space Race is Over."
Here I am though, with my space out in cyberspace, and all you need is the URL to know where I'm at. Still waiting for that tide of technology to take us to the moon.
I'll update this post below with links to other remembrances as I spot them: discusses the NC connections of the crew.
NASA - Day of Remembrance
Oliver Willis remembers.
Boing Boing on myths about Challenger.
Ghost in the Machine remembers.
MeFi remembers.