Wow this is gonna make a great reaction GIF:
— NickBaumann (@NickBaumann) October 30, 2015
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Wow this is gonna make a great reaction GIF:
— NickBaumann (@NickBaumann) October 30, 2015
[A]theism will become more commonplace in the broader culture, leading less atheists to feel the need to go into philosophy to argue about gods. For these and other reasons, there will be a higher proportion of philosophers who are theists. This could result in another fracturing of the discipline (along the lines of what happened in the 20th Century with analytic and Continental philosophy).In ten years time, assuming I'm still blogging, I'll check revisit these. The last of the 5, quoted from above, is a bit intriguing.
There are things that are difficult to accept as a Doctor Who fan - the fact that we will likely never see Patrick Troughton's first episode, or the first appearance of Nicholas Courtney as Aleister Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. But there is perhaps nothing quite so galling as knowing that we are only fifty-five minutes short of a Douglas Adams story. And that unlike Power of the Daleks or The Web of Fear there's not even audio of it. Shada is not merely lost or missing, it is absent - a gaping, crushing, and mocking wound in Doctor Who.Shabogan Graffiti
Meanwhile, Tom and Lalla alternate between openly mocking everything around them and pretending that they're in an adaptation of an Anthony Trollope novel (which both charms and repels me simultaneously) and Christopher Neame ... commits skin-crawling dignitycide by walking around in Cambridge dressed as a charity shop Ziggy Stardust ...
And Claire is just another dim, girly sidekick despite supposedly being a Physics postgrad student. And there's a real snobbish condescension in the way that the College Porter is mocked at the expense of all the posh, cerebral characters.
Thank goodness it was cancelled and DNA got to cannibalise it for parts when writing his infinitely superior Dirk Gently novels. Really, I'd rather have had 'Doctor Who and the Krikkit Men'.Wife in Space post
Sue: So Keff has found the oboe setting on his Casio keyboard, has he? It still doesn’t make him Dudley. I bet Dudley is turning in his grave.AV Club review
Me: Dudley isn’t dead.
Sue: So why not just hire Dudley? This makes no sense at all.
Bingo. What's considered mainstream, respectable bipartisan economic policy makes no sense at all.
— Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) October 27, 2015
Success at Paris ... would buy us 5 to 10 years in the fight to avoid catastrophe. But we would still be on a path to 675 ppm, which is too high for both the climate change impacts and the direct human cognition impacts. Worse, that level of warming will likely trigger many major carbon-cycle amplifying feedbacks that are not included in the climate models, such as permafrost melting. So we must take stronger action.Not all of you, especially not you, dear reader. That you are even seeing this tells me you are among the brightest minds on the planet. But, Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson are the leading GOP candidates for the Republican nomination for President in 2016, and every single individual who thinks either of those two would not be a fucking disaster as POTUS is objectively, measurably suffering from impaired cognition already.
We asked @nytmag readers: If you could go back and kill Hitler as a baby, would you do it? (What's your response?)
— NYT Magazine (@NYTmag) October 23, 2015
— steve boousseau (@steverousseau) October 23, 2015
Watch: If the BBC reported on the royal family like it did on North Korea
— AssedBaig (@AssedBaig) October 23, 2015
Well, you can see why this would be controversial.
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) October 3, 2015
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And fandom broke out in cheers. |
Is it possible that this series is going for a running theme about how a dignified, meaningful death is a mercy and/or even a human right?— Shabogan Graffiti (@_Jack_Graham_) October 17, 2015
The Mire try to appropriate the Viking’s culture and turn it against them. Ashildir plays the same trick right back at them. She attacks them with monsters from sagas. Her silliness, her distraught bravado, turns out to have not been so silly after all. Turns out she had more to back it up with than she thought.
So, in other words: the big manly testosterone-fuelled bullies, who reckon they're the only ones allowed to play war games, are resoundingly beaten and humiliated by a society in solidarity, fronted by a nerdy (even faintly genderqueer) girl who is a better, more imaginative, more powerful gamer than they are.Jane at Eruditorum press [post] |
Three artists say they were hired by a production company in June to paint graffiti as a way to bolster the aesthetic authenticity of the set on the outskirts of Berlin. But rather than scrawl the fake refugee camp with pro-President Bashar al-Assad graffiti, they hatched another plan, Cairo-based artist Heba Amin told The Washington Post: "What if we could use this as an opportunity to be subversive, to make a point with it?"I've never seen an episode of Homeland, because it looked like it would be. Heard on the radio today though that they producers weren't that upset about it and credited artists who #HomelandHack-ed them for their brass.
via Circular Time |
Back with 'Logopolis', we also have Tom's final turn as a man who has lost his old friends but must soon change to fit his new ones, a man warned by his own future (by his own immortal soul?) that he will soon have to watch the universe shudder and totter, and then that he himself will die. He's quiet, heavy, sad... and wonderful.Wife in Space post
Fourth masterpiece in a row.
The ancient man in the throne. The statue in the decaying grove. These are images that are hardwired into my brain. I saw them as a small child and they have stuck with me, the way that ideas from myths and fairytales do. The rest of the story may not always live up to the amazing aesthetic impact of these two elements (it all gets a tad twee and art nouveau for my taste...) but still, there's no denying that this is a richly drawn world... richly drawn in story too... because this is a "real" world... with living rooms and safes, cloisters and private offices, groves and public streets, bribeable petty officials and weddings and step-mothers and kings and... ahh, we're back to fairytales now, aren't we? But that's okay... fairytales have their origins in real times and places, in real fears and social conditions.
[T]here’s some distant interesting aspect here - the way in which Bidmead and Nathan-Turner navigate the nearly impossible task of writing Tom Baker out of Doctor Who is an impressive piece of television show-running. They take the counter-intuitive but likely necessary approach of declining to make Baker’s departure the climactic event or allowing him to be the star of it, instead opting to build the Davison era’s trappings up around Baker and then finally delete him from a show that’s no longer his own. Certainly several major steps in that direction happen here.
Sue: Oh great, another ****ing meeting. That’s just what this story needs.
Vice covers way more ground in their write-up about Ekberg's past, and I definitely encourage you to give it a read at some point. However, the piece ends with an interesting question: "Did Ekberg use Ace of Base's success as an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and erase his neo-Nazi past?"via:
I think I can answer that. Ekberg did not use Ace of Base to hide his Nazi past. Quite the contrary. Ace of Base was a Nazi band, too.
Wow, is this true? I'm not 100% convinced but what an entertaining read. Achtung!
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) October 9, 2015
We should have seen the signs ...Examples:
"The Tenth, Fifth, and Second are the best of the Doctors."
"Christopher Eccleston, Peter Davison, and Patrick Troughton were the best Doctor Whos."
Listen, kid, I was writing Doctor Who literature before you were at the Guardian Style Guide.
(Oh, obviously italics for the title of the programme. "Christopher Eccleston, Peter Davison, and Patrick Troughton were the best actors to play the lead in Doctor Who.")The convention I used for blockquoting, where I reverse italicize, obviously impacts the readability of that last bit, but the point is only that it's great fun to see Lawrence Miles step in, even when I think there's room to disagree. We should not be encouraging the public perception that it's ever appropriate to refer to the character the actors are portraying as "Doctor Who."
That's just good journalism, right there.
— Julie Linden (@julieatlife) October 7, 2015
@FAIRmediawatch's excellent report on the Afghan hospital strike. This is how the violence of empire is minimized:
— Deepa Kumar (@ProfessorKumar) October 6, 2015
Production artwork for the canteen and the imagery seen on the wall… #TimeOfTheDoctor
— Doctor Who Official (@bbcdoctorwho) October 4, 2015
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The "forsaken" part of the coordinate code irked me last week. Now I think I know where it came from. |
I wish every conservative who whines about explaining gay marriage to their kid would tell me how to explain mass shootings to mine.
— Marla Caceres (@MarlaCaceres) October 1, 2015
Set in contemporary London, Class centers on incredible dangers that breaking through the walls of time and space. With darkness coming, the city is left unprotected. The announcement promises to reveal a side of Doctor Who and Coal Hill School that fans have never seen before.The picture is just speculation, no casting news yet, but it'd be strange to set a spin off at Coal Hill School and not have Courtney and Maebh in it.
The ideas are all there, but the script doesn't actually execute them, wandering off for comedy subplots instead. Peinforte's threat to reveal the Doctor's true nature is a hollow letdown as it turns out nobody cares. The neo-Nazis are mere canon fodder. The Cybermen are predictably stupid. Peinforte commits suicide by jumping into a statue. The Doctor's manipulations are hollow. The statue gestures at ancient Gallifreyan secrets, but in the most insubstantial way possible, mostly constituting creating yet another Most Valuable Mineral in the Universe and this time giving it to the Time Lords.Wife in Space post