Sunday, September 21, 2008

Settling In Here In North Cackalacka

Home projects will probably keep posting on light on my part; however, I'm still clicking 'share' now and again when I get a chance to scan my Reader. If you were to go over there, you'd find items on the following topics in the last few weeks:
  • McCain's cluelessness
  • Palin's inability to tell the truth
  • Sylvester McCoy
  • Pedro & Manny
  • A Monkey Taking a Shower (video)
  • The Flaming Lips
  • Calexico
  • Cussing in a Comic Book
This weekend's project was to stain the fence. Home Depot didn't have a sprayer to rent so I bought one of those 2 gallon lawn sprayers and used that. 16 (!!!) gallons of stain later, it turned out pretty nice. If I do say so myself. I'm pretty sunburnt and worn out. The next project I take on will be an inside job: either painting the kids' room or the living room. Tile backsplash, some landscaping, sealing the garage floor, not to mention all the unpacking still to be done ... I can see where this owning a proper home thing is going to keep me busy

My other ongoing project is to get my books out of attic boxes and into my LibraryThing. Once out of the box, they're either going onto a bookshelf or on BookMooch. Trying to pare down to essentials and books I'm saving for Blake and Amelia when they get a little older. So far, it's been tough putting anything up for Mooching, but I'm making the hard choices to get down to a manageable number.
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