Ever dream of exploring the Enterprise? Check out this EnterpriseD 3D Project! http://t.co/VtVCmoiU6o http://pic.twitter.com/1KbtrpgrJB
— Museum of Sci-Fi (@Museum_SciFi) October 1, 2015
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Ever dream of exploring the Enterprise? Check out this EnterpriseD 3D Project! http://t.co/VtVCmoiU6o http://pic.twitter.com/1KbtrpgrJB
— Museum of Sci-Fi (@Museum_SciFi) October 1, 2015
Photo by NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona |
Mars has seasonal rivers of flowing water. Note the verb “has” rather than “had”, as in liquid water is a current feature on present-day Mars. In other words, this is not from the distant past — the water is flowing now. What appeared to be a dry void of red-orange rock is wetter than previously thought.
NEW from BCJ Fellow, Dorothy Samuels: How the Roberts Court Undermined Sensible Gun Control (via @thenation) http://t.co/LyaKAZTPOq
— Brennan Center (@BrennanCenter) September 24, 2015
Please explain to me why I'm anti-semitic for not being comfortable with this: http://t.co/zQVMFXEuKB— Shabogan Graffiti (@_Jack_Graham_) September 23, 2015
Before falling in with the vampire monkeys. |
Fandom has long had a low opinion of the story. It's still written up in our "official" chronicles as a farce, marred by the star's prejudices and some ponderous dialogue. Nobody who's actually listened to it, or remember seeing it broadcast, shares this opinion. The worst you can say about it is the final act seems oddly uneven; comedy and tragedy do mix, but none of the antics in the first three-quarters carry even a hint of the horror that unleashed at the climax. This, though, maybe a result of the lack of moving pictures. Events must seem far more threatening, when you can see all the huge men waving swords in your face. It's a story about perception versus reality, people who are acquainted with war and people who are enthusiastic about it, the version we all think we know and what actually happened. Ironic, then, that the story itself should be so misperceived.Worth checking out. More so than the epic that follows.
After this story, Doctor Who descends into weeks and weeks and bloody weeks of pompous, bloated, OTT, Dan Dare bullshit... so it's delicious to see such stuff mocked in advance. The warring races, invasions and swaggering heroics of Terry Nation have already been given a slow puncture by Donald Cotton. Heroes aren't brave and semi-divine supermen, they're cowardly or outright villainous. Odysseus is vile, but he's preferable to just about everyone else in the story because he's the only one with irony or self-awareness. He's the only one who really knows that gods are always fake, heroes always drunks and fools, honour little more than ideology, heroics always little more than murder.
And here we come to another triumph: the seriousness of the depiction of the slaughter. The trouble with irony is that it can become overpowering and put us at a distance from the emotional effect that drama should have on us. Cotton switches the irony off at the last moment and allows the dirty brutality of war to suddenly jump out at us. The effect is quite startling.
A thousand curses upon whoever burnt this one.Wife in Space post
Chris Christie, bless your true heart. |
... [E]ach candidate was prompted to offer what their Secret Service code name would be if they were elected president, and holy hell was each answer absolutely nuts.
Here are the candidates’ real, actual answers, each of which delivers such a perfect morsel of conservative id:
Chris Christie: “True Heart”
John Kasich: “Unit One”
Carly Fiorina: “Secretariat”
Scott Walker: “Harley”
Jeb Bush: “Ever-Ready”
Donald Trump: “Humble”
Ben Carson: “One Nation”
Ted Cruz: “Cohiba”
Marco Rubio: “Gator”
Mike Huckabee: “Duck Hunter”
R[and] Paul: “Justice Never Sleeps”It would be almost impossible to improve upon these. I can't decide which is the most hilarious. Fiorina's though, she must be trolling us, or something ... I mean, you can't talk about it without her being able to run a campaign ad off anything you could possibly say.
My new post at Eruditorum Press: Solid Dick, or Why 'Iron Man' is Objectively One of the Most Evil Films Ever Made http://t.co/vFGTRT7ql4
— Shabogan Graffiti (@_Jack_Graham_) September 16, 2015
Detail from image by Kreg Steppe (flickr) |
Pistachios are an extravagance I don't partake of as often as I'd like, but still, this news sends a chill down my spine ... then back up, over, and down my gullet.
In California’s blazing hot San Joaquin Valley, millions of pistachio trees are now buried in clusters of small pinkish-green fruits — what would seem like a bumper crop.
But for many growers of the popular nut, the season is shaping into a disaster. Jeff Schmiederer, who farms 700 acres of family-owned pistachio trees on the western side of the San Joaquin Valley, says about 90 percent of the nuts he has sampled from his trees are hollow — what growers call “blanks.”
“I’ve never seen a year this bad for blanks,” says Schmiederer, who has been farming pistachios since the mid-1990s.
One of the most absolutely satisfying things about my blogging career over the past few years has been the fellow travelers I’ve met and befriended. I’ve become a part of an intellectual circle of critics, not through any active attempt to create a critical empire, but just because I’ve had the honor of meeting cool and brilliant people doing cool and brilliant work. Which, now that I think of the implications under late capitalism, is appalling. I should absolutely have a critical empire, dammit, and so now I’m making one.Many of us on the left are fuming about MSNBC's gradual conversion into Fox News Lite, kneeling to shine the shoes of fascist buffoon Donald Trump, so this comes as great news. It's not answer to that problem, but it is the answer to a host of others. If ever a website could brandish a "This url kills fascists" sticker, what we've got now with Phil, Jane, and Jack under one roof, ought to be it.
![]() |
via priceonomics |
Using his VCR, he recorded episodes; for 18 hours day, he sat perched in front of the screens, analyzing every spin of the Big Board frame-by-frame, looking for patterns.
Then, incredibly, he found one.
After six months of scrupulous examination, Larson realized that the “random” sequences on Press Your Luck’s Big Board weren’t random at all, but rather five looping patterns that would always jump between the same squares. He wrote down these patterns, memorized them, then honed his timing by watching re-runs and hitting “pause” on his VCR remote when he suspected the board would land on a given square.
Most crucially, Larson determined that two squares on the game board, #4 and #8, always contained a combination of cash and an extra spin. Since he’d memorized the patterns, he knew exactly when the board would land on each square...via Mark D on facebook
A friend chose to bait me about the perils of socialism and Thatcher's indisputable genius. Here is my response: https://t.co/gCu63ttQnE
— Alex Andreou (@sturdyAlex) September 13, 2015
The Daleks are a design marvel. The other alien species on display ... not so much. How you do doin' tall, dark, and accordion-necked? |
Nobody in the production is clearly and unequivocally essential to the show working.
Except Verity Lambert. Who at the same age I am now, did 18 months of work that were, let's be honest here, more important to the world than anything I am ever going to accomplish, and probably anything you are ever going to accomplish. Doctor Who exists because a brilliant, beautiful, and strong-willed lady named Verity Lambert spent 18 months fighting tooth and nail to make it happen.
Doctor Who will, over the other 46 years of its existence, become a number of things, some of them miles from anything we saw on screen in Lambert's time as producer. But at the end of the day, there is nothing about Doctor Who that is not completely dependent on her. And her influence never left the show either. Flip forward a decade or so, and think about where the people working on Doctor Who might have gotten the idea for a brash, strong-willed, capable female who worked alongside the tempestuous Doctor. Ask yourself where a model for a character like Sarah Jane Smith, or Romana, or Tegan, or Ace, or Martha, or Amy might have come from. The answer's obvious. The Doctor always had a companion like that. From day one. It's just that she never stepped out in front of the camera before Lis Sladen stepped out in The Time Warrior.Wife in Space post
The problem, these studies show, isn’t that criminals don’t follow laws, but rather that criminals aren’t dissuaded by weak laws. And gun laws in all but a few states are decidedly weak.
If you've ever enjoyed a paid vacation, a sick day or a pension the men and women of the labor movement are the people to thank. #LaborDay
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) September 8, 2015
"Guys, I've got this idea for a story where the Doctor goes to a planet where people are forced to act happy. It's a statement about Thatcherism, and it's going to tie our current political landscape to its ideological forebears: fascism and totalitarianism. We're going to shoot it like a Kafka-esque nightmare in the noir style. Think Vienna in The Third Man. In the end, the Doctor will turn help the local dissidents and labor activists overthrow the government!"
"That's brilliant! Who are the villains?"
"The main baddie is going to be a woman who goes by Helen A., she's our Thatcher. Shades of Hitler and the Third Reich, she's got a demented state security apparatus that includes a scientist who thinks of murdering people as experimentation."
"Love it. Noir, anti-fascism, a satire of Thatcherism. We're really on to something hear. Design team, what have you got for me?"
"Let's see ... noir, Kafka, anti-fascism. Did someone mention sweets? No? Well, I've got in mind a scientist whose experimental method of killing people involves fondant, and his lab is actually a candy kitchen ..."
"Whoa, whoa, what are you ..?"
"He's the Kandyman, with a K, see? And he kills you with ..."
"I don't think you've ..."
"Gentleman, I give you, the Kandyman!"
"Also, we're going make sure we light the shit out of all the interior scenes so there are no shadows anywhere. The secret police are going to be gorgeous women in impossibly short skirts with pink wigs that suggest taffy heads. And I've got a line on some go-karts we can get cheap, they don't go very fast but ..."For all that's wrong with it though, there's just enough of the well-conceived satire of conservatism making it to the screen. While the camp aspect doesn't work for me, I can appreciate the willingness to think noir, but pull the conventions through a funhouse mirror by replacing long shadows and canted cameras with harsh lighting and gaudy colors. It's fucking audacious is what it is.
Like 'The Sun Makers', 'Happiness Patrol' notices the fundamental synergy and compatibility and similarity of Stalinism with 'market Stalinism', of authoritarianism with psuedo-libertarian neoliberalism. Helen A likes Silas P's "enterprise and initiative" as a murderer of dissidents. Thatcher admires the 'law and order' inherent in the criminal attacks (by government or police) upon miners, while always speciously excoriating the "moaning minnies" and preaching personal freedom, i.e. the personal freedom to stamp on the poor and powerless as long as you own the bought virtue that comes with wealth.
And it's a union of displaced/oppressed natives, dissidents, foreigners and striking/demonstrating workers that brings down the government. Helen loses control of the state, factory by factory. It ain't quite Leninism for kids... but it's getting there.
Where is the Doctor? Watch the brand new trailer for ‘The Magician’s Apprentice’ right here! http://t.co/onhJPA9Twp http://pic.twitter.com/PUu8tAFWOK
— Doctor Who 24/7 (@DrWho247) September 5, 2015
This brave internet citizen did us all a favor. Now bask in the glory of terrible Drudge headlines. https://t.co/LGqUawVLR9
— Hashem Said (@hash_said) September 3, 2015
.@fakeDanSavage on the KY marriage story and the difference of working for God or Caesar. http://t.co/VLLgXkCQT6 http://t.co/dGuHwzCMXH
— The Last Word (@TheLastWord) September 2, 2015