The still-addicted intent is to avoid a complete retirement. Neilalien still enjoys doing this website, and he will still require an online self-expression outlet. Barring circumstances, there will be no blogging in March (March Madness has usually had a negative impact on blog content anyway), and the planned next post will be an annual Favorites of MoCCA post after the festival in April. MoCCA usually refills the gas tank, but beyond that, no one can say. The Doctor Strange Info Pages will get some much-needed brushing-up and be maintained. It may be 1-2 braindumps a month. Like the Ancient One to Doctor Strange, he may occasionally appear to again bolster Doc fandom through its greatest challenges. Maybe the Neilalien brand will be completely repurposed. Maybe this is the last post ever. He will still be around, knock on wood- but regardless of what continues, near-daily linkblogging must end.Excelsior! Whatever the future holds, from here in the Cryptonaut's Lair, I wish Neilalien well-deserved peace of mind, congratulate him on a streak of excellence, and look forward to whatever does come next.
Friday, February 25, 2011
After eleven years, Neilalien announces the shuttering-up, for now, of his long-running Doctor Strange / Comic Book Weblog (Feels like the end of era.)
Neilalien : A Doctor Strange Fansite : A Comic Book Weblog - Archive - February 2011: