Saturday, August 13, 2011

Word on the tweet: #Fuquay-Varina, August 13, 2011

My semi-regular roundup of tweets from or about Fuquay has me in fighting form today:

fuquay hoes are easy as hellFri Aug 12 08:15:48 via web

Uh, if they're "hoes," does it matter where they're from? Isn't that they're "easy" why you're calling them "hoes"?

 Also, you know tweets like this mean you're an asshole, right?


Ready to begin orientation @DukeDivinity School. 24 of us Doctor of Ministry Candidates total. Aug 12 13:01:36 via foursquare

Good grief. Twenty four more degrees in advanced bullshit, coming up. The "Triune God"? (From the academically rigorous Divinity School's twitter profile.) Is it too much to hope you lot study Brighid, the Exalted One?

And, yes, I know this isn't a Fuquay-Varina post, dude's name is Fuquay and he's going to Duke so there's a tangential NC connection. Close enough. 


Awesome...more death thanks to our open borders. Gotta love what "leftist caring" brings to our citizens. Aug 10 03:32:14 via web

Oh, I get it, the liberals are to blame. Of course. Maybe we could afford the Great Wall of Texas you'd like to build if we weren't so busy trying to destroy the government with obstructionism, wrong-headed policies, immoral and illegal foreign wars, and tax cuts for the wealthy? 


i generally have never thought of fuquay as "the country" or redneck... till i read the "you know you're from fuquay varina" page on fbSun Aug 07 21:58:20 via web

I'm not sure my hometown's page (which may or may not be the one that started this trend) paints a very positive picture of us either. But it's fun anyways. I couldn't find the Fuquay page. Search on Facebook is completely useless.


I dislike fuquay white people .. Cus they're like rednecks nd racist nd junk .Fri Aug 05 05:27:39 via txt

Many of them probably are. Not all though. This tweet? Not helping matters. 


At a bar watchin dez non rhythm having ass white ppl do wat they call dancing!! Lmao!! Only in fuquay varina!!Sat Jul 30 04:42:29 via Twitter for Android

Wrong, fool. We are everywhere, having no rhythm! Not for nothing, you better be a pretty freaking awesome dancer to be judging anybody else's dancing. And, even if you are, you're still so full of yourself nobody with any self respect likes you.


What's up? Everybody...if you live in the Fuquay, NC area. Come to vacation bible school. You will enjoy yourself. 1209 Bridge St. FuquayTue Jun 14 16:33:57 via Twitter for BlackBerry®

No, I wouldn't. And, trust me, you really don't me want me to come and spoil your "fun".

Bible school ... I'd rather pull a Caleb Tutor.


"Its like downtown Fuquay times Durham" -Erica Mott.Sat May 21 05:15:57 via txt

I take it that's not a good thing? Because I'm imagining Fuquay's Aviator Smokehouse times the Bull City Burger and Brewery and that's sounding pretty freaking awesome.


Aviator Brewing just raised $500 for the fuquay food bank this past weekend! Local beer for Local charity...!Wed May 11 16:45:32 via Facebook

Finally, a tweet that didn't make me roll my eyes. Well done. 


There was a rooster in the middle of the road only in fuquayWed May 11 18:31:36 via TweetCaster

Nah, rural small towns, happens all over.


Gun shots...or fireworks (hard to tell which) are the sweet sounds I hear outside of my window tonight #yikes #fuquayWed May 11 01:03:31 via Twitter for Android

I don't remember any fireworks in May ...


Outstanding lunch and the best brew on the market @aviatorbrew Taphouse #fuquayvarinaSun May 08 17:43:21 via Twitter for Android

Monster Sandwich FTMFW!


I kan pretty much quarantee that ALMOST ALL of Fuquay && Holly Sprinqs was blazed today ...Thu Apr 21 01:52:47 via txt

Getting blazed, evidently, results in people spelling "can" with a "k"? #KidsToday #GetOffMyLawn 


Link and Rhett are mostly promoting Commercial Kings these days, which is great, but doesn't make for a very interesting twitter feed. Still waiting for someone besides those guys and @jazzdab to represent Fuquay on twitter with a little humor and intelligence. There must be some more wags with insight out and about. Put some good Fuquay-based tweeps in the comments if you see any, would you?
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