Thursday, April 30, 2015

Give 'Em Hell, #BernieSanders

Give 'Em Hell, Bernie Sanders | Rolling Stone

Image via RS/Win McNamee/Getty
Sanders genuinely, sincerely, does not care about optics. He is the rarest of Washington animals, a completely honest person. If he's motivated by anything other than a desire to use his influence to protect people who can't protect themselves, I've never seen it. Bernie Sanders is the kind of person who goes to bed at night thinking about how to increase the heating-oil aid program for the poor.
We should have a long, national discussion about why Bernie can't win (but should) and what it means that we are so deeply screwed by our political system. Not a fatalist discussion that concedes the argument to the moneyed interests, but one that focuses on all the reasons he can't win are the things we should be fixing. Aggressively. Now.

If people knew Bernie and what he stands for, they could block out the chatter designed to delegitimize his candidacy.

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