Well, I wouldn't call it a "monster piece of project coordination software," but I see Mr. Drum's point.Wait a second. The author of the novel, the guy who's spent months immersed in the world he's created, is sometimes unable to follow his own plot without the help of a monster piece of project coordination software? Seriously? So how are the rest of us, who merely have a long stream of words to cajole us along, supposed to follow it?
Photo by Allen Skyy
There was also Sam Harris earlier:
Confession: I no longer write first drafts of anything in Word. I write in Scrivener (no affiliation) @Scrivenerapp.
— Sam Harris (@SamHarrisOrg) July 14, 2012
I downloaded Scrivener a few months ago when a story idea was heating up and started experimenting with it, but I let the story move to a back burner, as I almost always do ...