A former Progress director said that Duke Energy’s actions were "the most blatant example of corporate deceit that I have witnessed during a long career on Wall Street."
Dalton simply needs to connect the dots for voters in order turn the statewide electorate against Duke and the former Charlotte mayor.So why would the Democratic candidate make the strong and obvious case against his Republican opponent? Because, as the commenters on the Honest NC post point out, the CEO of Duke Energy pulls the strings of both candidates.
Your corporate-owned election process at work.
But, hey, at least the national Democratic party isn't beholden to corporate interests. Right?
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) -- Shortly after last year's high-profile announcement that the 2012 Democratic National Convention would be the first in history not to rely on special-interest money, organizers in Charlotte quietly set up a nonprofit entity to rake in corporate cash.
Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Duke Energy have all sent checks to New American City Inc., a non-profit entity being run by top officials on the convention host committee. Corporate money is bankrolling operations in direct support of the convention, including paying the salaries of the 41 full-time host committee employees, their health insurance and for the offices where they work.Oh, hello again, Duke Energy. You guys sure have a lot of cash to throw around. Maybe instead of charging inflated rates to support your corporate takeover of the political process, you could run your business ethically and charge for your services appropriately?