John Thomas, killing Old Testament style. (Via Connexion) |
According to the complaint, 'John Thomas stated that he read in the Old Testament that homosexuals should be stoned in certain situations. The answer John Thomas received from his prayers was to put an end to the victim's life. John Thomas stated that he struck the victim approximately 10 times in the head. After the final blow, John Thomas made sure the victim was dead.'
'He is a deeply religious man. Or so he says,' said Lansdowne Police Chief Dan Kortan.Leviticus 20:13? I can't be bothered to see if there's a passage that more specifically prescribes a stone as the remedy. All that morally retarded hatred, it's so tiresome.
Dear murderous morons, there are better ways than consulting ancient texts cobbled together from the oral traditions of ignorant savages when trying to figure out what the right thing to do is.