Home projects will probably keep posting on light on my part; however, I'm still clicking 'share' now and again when I get a chance to scan my Reader. If you were to go over there, you'd find items on the following topics in the last few weeks:
- McCain's cluelessness
- Palin's inability to tell the truth
- Sylvester McCoy
- Pedro & Manny
- A Monkey Taking a Shower (video)
- The Flaming Lips
- Calexico
- Cussing in a Comic Book

My other ongoing project is to get my books out of attic boxes and into my LibraryThing. Once out of the box, they're either going onto a bookshelf or on BookMooch. Trying to pare down to essentials and books I'm saving for Blake and Amelia when they get a little older. So far, it's been tough putting anything up for Mooching, but I'm making the hard choices to get down to a manageable number.