During the hearing Dr Matthews, who was dismissed from the adoption panel in April last year, told the tribunal the Bible was clear that 'homosexual practice is not how God wants us to live'.The Bible is clear on homosexuality. It's also clear in that it expects us to love another. It's pretty clear you can use the Bible to justify or condemn pretty much any human practice from slavery and genocide to eating lobster and getting tattoos. Employers are allowed to discriminate against people who can't do their jobs effectively, that was the issue here. Case closed.
She told the hearing: 'As a Christian, my faith leads me to believe that marriage between a man and a woman in a faithful monogamous sexual relationship is the most appropriate environment for the upbringing of children.'
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Bigoted doctor claims she's a victim of religious discrimination.
BBC News - Christian advisor loses gay adoption case tribunal: