Cary releases description of bank robbery suspect ::
Suspect. Image via WRAL. |
CARY, N.C. — A Town of Cary spokeswoman released a very specific description of a man wanted for robbing a Centura Bank branch Monday morning.
The suspect is white with brown hair styled in a 'messy comb-over,' Deanna Boone said. He is about 5 feet 6 inches tall, in his mid-40s, weighs about 185 pounds and has freckles. He was wearing a denim shirt and blue jeans.
I don't know why it tickled me to see "messy comb-over" as one of the suspects identifying features. Gave me the impression the rest of her description might have been along the lines of, "He was a real Costanza-type, y'know? Doughy, kinda stupid looking. He didn't really seem to care about his appearance. He struck me as lazy. Probably didn't do really well in school ..."