Going to the Bar, Pistol in Pocket, Is Legal in 4 States - NYTimes.com:
“If someone’s sticking a gun in my face, I’m not relying on their charity to keep me alive,” said Mr. Ringenberg, 30, who said he carries the gun for personal protection when he is not at work.
Gun rights advocates like Mr. Ringenberg may applaud the new law, but many customers, waiters and restaurateurs here are dismayed by the decision.
Well, it didn't take long to find the first nominee to receive the second Cryptonaut-in-Exile Glasgow Kiss of the Week. If you're not familiar with the phrase Glasgow Kiss (and if you're not, that tells me you're not a regular reader here, shame on you,) look it up and you'll pretty much have my argument for why it's a really bad idea to put more guns in the pockets of these pocket-edition desperadoes. One wishes the fellas looking to pack heaters were more interested in emulating Sam Spade than they are Wilmer Cook.
Hero and Gunsel, Screencap from the "Maltese Falcon" |