An attorney for a 38-year-old woman charged with sending her son to school with weapons said he and his client will talk to school authorities and police about the bullying that prompted the boy to arm himself.Look, we all know the right answer isn't to give your kid a knife and BB gun to take to school; that's just asking for trouble. But, what is the right answer when the police haven't been any help and the school can't do anything?
Attorney Sydney T. Schulman, who spoke after Sylvia Mojica's arraignment Friday at Superior Court, said he will also ask Hartford police if they are following up on complaints Mojica made about the high-school-aged teenagers who had been harassing her 12-year-old son.
'She had reported this problem to the police before,' he said.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Mom Arms Bullied Child
Mom Arraigned: Mom Charged With Sending Son To School With Weapons Is Arraigned -