Mark Twain's long-lost play, Is He Dead?, at Deep Dish | Theater | Independent Weekly:
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Ives and Clemens' wordplay is as decidedly old-school as the plot. When a character comments on how polite another painter seemed, Millet rejoins, 'Of course he made a good impression. He's an Impressionist.' Ba-dum-bum. And repeatedly, Marc Williams' direction seems to invite audience response. Thom Gradisher's all-but-mustache-twirling version of bad guy Bastien Andre did have Saturday's audience members hissing at his early asides that, literally, ended in the trademark mwah-hah-hahs of the Villain's Laugh.
I'm ardently Twain-o-philic, but this review was meh enough to put me off the idea making this a must-see. It'll have to be one of those if-I-luck-into-free-ticket-for-a-night-the-missus-isn't-working deals.