Finally, the question of DADT came up. And Marshall nailed it. Burr was forced to soft-shoe around his obvious homophobia. I burst out laughing when he answered the question "Do you think people are born gay or do they choose the lifestyle?" with such inept dissembling. To paraphase, "Well, er, I don't think anybody knows. The studies are inconclusive. But, anyone who chooses that lifestyle ..." Seriously. He said he didn't know if homosexuality was genetic or a lifestyle choice, then immediately said people choose. I can't believe this twat ever got elected to public office. Yet, there he is. And, oh boy, did he lay it on thick with the "don't you dare compare homosexuality to race" indignant anger act. Fucking tool. Yes, Mr. Burr, discriminating against gays is functionally equivalent to discriminating based on race. Your homophobia, it's as bad as being a racist. Own it.
Oh, I almost forgot another laugh out loud moment: Burr, when asked to name liberal Democrats he'd be able to work with if re-elected, spent half his time talking about ... wait for it ... Ted Kennedy. Yes, that Ted Kennedy, the dead one. (At least he managed not choke on the name this time.) And, as if that weren't enough, he really dug deep to show how much of an aisle crosser he would be and also mentioned Chris Dodd. The same Chris Dodd who is about to be replaced by Richard Blumenthal. And wait! There's more. Guess what other "liberal Democrat" he thought he could work with? Hint, he's also a Senator from Connecticut. You might be thinking: "Huh, there's no other 'liberal Democrat' Senator from CT, is there?" No, there isn't. It was Lieberman. That was one of Burr's other examples of how far across the aisle he could reach to help move our country forward. Seriously. Dead Kennedy, retiring Dodd, and Republican-in-all-but-name Lieberman were the liberal Democrats Burr could foresee himself working with. (To be fair, he also mentioned Harkin.)