EAST HARTFORD — In a lecture hall packed with dozens of students and gay rights activists Monday night, the town's board of education appointed Republican Julie Kieras to the school board seat vacated by Robert Damaschi earlier this year.I'm a North Carolinian now, but I like to watch the news of my old hometown. It's almost never good, today no exception, but I just keep watching. C'mon, EH, don't make me ashamed of where I come from.
Most of the students wore rainbow pins and one high school senior carried a sign indicating what he thought of the appointment: 'This is a big problem.'
Kieras is an award-winning middle school teacher in Windsor Locks, but her candidacy for the East Hartford board has came under fire recently over comments she and three other people made in 2009 in testimony to the Legislature on a law guaranteeing equal protection to same-sex couples.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
DeMint Style Fuckwaddery Afoot in my Hometown
Kieras Named To East Hartford School Board Despite Controversy - Hartford Courant:
Conservative Goons,