Personally, I'd like to see self-identified atheists working together to advance progressive political causes under a new political banner. I know not all atheists are progressives, just as not all progressives are atheists, but I'd wager most progressives appreciate secular values, whether they happen to be theists or freethinkers. The polls tell us this country is predominantly religious, and atheists are perhaps the most despised minority (debatable, but I've seen the polling that supports the characterization). However, I don't think many liberal Christians would be open to involvement in a grassroots political movement with respectful secularists. Frankly, I think many mainline Protestants and Catholics are simply identifying with the religion of their parents, without much conviction. They say "faith is believing what you know ain't so," and I think there's untapped potential to separate people who are otherwise reasonable from the politics of their respective religions.
Unfortunately, I don't see a bunch of corporations and wealthy industrialists lining up to support a secular progressive movement, the way big money has bankrolled the neo-conservative Right. Until there's money behind our voices, it seems all we can do is keep speaking our minds and hope that the winning arguments bubble up.