Saturday, September 4, 2010

With Great Power Comes ... Accountability

The President is doing better on PolitiFact's Scorecard than I would have guessed with 122 kept versus 22 broken thusfar. And, to be clear, I'm not sure all of them were really great ideas to begin with, so some I'd be fine with some being broken. (This is me giving the side eye to #21 -- sounds nice, you say? Well, some 401(k) plans are shit and shouldn't be opted in to. This one smells like a bone thrown to Wall Street.) Promise #38 is getting a lot of attention these days and, frankly, I'm a little surprised it's being framed as a "tax cut repeal" when really it's just a matter of letting the unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy expire, as the Republicans wrote them in to law to do. And, it's inexcusable that #175 wasn't accomplished immediately.
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