Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mark Your Calendar, Baseball Fan

Ken Burns proud to present 10th inning -
"The Red Sox’ World Series drive in 2004, coming after the cliff-dive in 2003, is the “big major set-piece” of the film, said Burns, with Pedro Martinez chipping in his two cents on that and other topics."
I'm staving off the depression resulting from the fact that this late season Sox-Yanks series is meaningless by looking forward to this airing next week: Tuesday and Wednesday nights at 8PM ET according to my local listings.

Update: Good grief. It's lucky I looked at a calendar and realized the 28th is Tuesday. I originally had "Wednesday and Thursday" in this post. Since I've done away with DVR, I guess I need to figure out to use my DVD-R machine again tonight, it's been a while.
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