Friday, June 1, 2001
The so-called liberal media in action...
One phrase guaranteed to raise my hackles is the liberal media. People hate the liberal media for a wide range of perceived sins; when Clinton was in office, GOP flaks constantly railed against the liberal media for, of all things, coddling him. The idea that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, Fox, et al. are liberal is laughable, yet the phrase gets tossed around by Republicans as frequently as the fake ID Jenna Bush carries. I had toyed with the idea of tracking the Republican bias of television and print media in a blog, but quickly scrapped the idea when I realized how much work documenting such a large volume of idiocy would be. Plus, the thought of not being able to flip away from the Sunday morning parade of ADM commercials interspersed with small-minded, reactionary diatribes (by the likes of Trent Lott, James Carville, George Will, Terry McAuliffe, and whoever else they drag out for those shows) to find a cheesy martial arts movie was an unbearable prospect. A great example of the kind of thing I had in mind is this Ethel the Blog post.
Conservative Goons,
Triptych Cryptic