Bombs in Lillington yard under investigation ::
Remains of an IED (NC-style) via WRAL |
The Harnett County Sheriff's Office has consulted with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on the case, but no charges had been filed in the case as of Monday afternoon.
Pinson said he thinks the bombs might be payback for a confrontation he had with neighbors after putting signs in front of his home on Halloween that trick-or-treaters weren't allowed. Or, he said, it could be backlash for his support of President Barack Obama.
'I heard someone (tell deputies), 'You take the Obama signs out of his yard, no one would blow him up,'' he said.
I'm not going to leap to the conclusion this was conservative goons trying to frighten an Obama supporter, the "No Trick-or-Treaters" sign tells me this guy is may not be well-liked for any number of other Cranky-Old-Guy reasons. Still, whether it's because he doesn't return frisbees that go over the fence into his backyard (just guessing, that's not in the story) or because he's a Democrat, people, don't be terrorists about it. That shit is wack.