Sunday, June 26, 2011

Shallow 'Rolling Stone' Hit Piece is Just What Michele Bachmann Needed

Shallow 'Rolling Stone' Hit Piece is Just What Michele Bachmann Needed | The Awl:

Bachmann & pals trading cards via The Awl

The backlash against the lashing out against presidential candidate Michele Bachmann has already begun. Following the Palin blueprint, Bachmann plans on fully leveraging the negative publicity with her base: they see leftist attacks as a point of pride and an indication of strength.

This outpouring of disgust is coming at the expense of the excellent local bloggers in Minnesota who have long tracked and fact-checked Bachmann. Their work will be the uncredited foundation of probably every Bachmann hit piece you'll read between now and 2012. It's begun with the self-destructive chewing-out that Matt Taibbi gave Bachmann in Rolling Stone.
Testing out a new survey service with this post. It's an alpha I found via Empire Avenue called Survcast. Try it out, if you're so inclined:
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