Thursday, April 2, 2015

Better try something easier to master than ping-pong ...

Can you win at anything if you practise hard enough? - BBC News

Rory Scott, a coach who has trained juniors who later played for England, watched Sam in a recent tournament.
His verdict? "He is nowhere near the standard of the top under-11 player in the UK."
Why did the project fail? One reason might be that Ben chose the wrong sport.
"It is probably the most difficult sport to pick for this challenge," says Steve Brunskill, head coach at the Swerve Table Tennis Centre in Middlesbrough.
"Table tennis has the smallest court, the smallest ball, the smallest bat, the quickest reaction times, the most spin, and it's the only sport where you play on one surface but stand on another.
"You have to play so much to develop the skill, co-ordination and timing, and you have to learn to cope with different styles of opponent."
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