I'm not sure when the whole thing will go away; it's possible this will just linger here for a while until our ownership of the domain name expires. I don't even know how to redirect yet, so I'll plug my solo blog one last time: Cryptonaut-in-Exile (cdogzilla.blogspot.com). There, in addition to the occasional blog post, you'll also find widgets for my friendfeed, gReader, and twitter accounts. I'm cdogzilla wherever I am, so look me up. I'm social like that.
Thanks to everyone who's participated in one way or another along the way: my dear friends who've posted at one time or another here; commenters, when we had commenting; to A1pha over at YOY who graciously let us squat on his server; all the blogs that provided inspiration -- Ghost in the Machine, to my mind, first and foremost; and, of course, to the missus for putting up with me slouching at the computer over the years broadcasting my geekery/atheism/politcal ranting to a largely indifferent cyberverse when I probably ought to have been doing more of the housework or something.