Comments on this post were shut off before I could return from watching Doctor Who and press for an answer on when the poster thinks a child is old enough to decide to risk their own life for a dubious distinction. We agree 5 is too young but he copped out of answering whether 10, 11, or 12 would be acceptable. I think 13 is too young and there is probably some crap parenting going on in with this mountain climbing kid. He's 13 and has already climbed several of the highest mountains in the world? So at what age did this precocious mountaineer strike out on his own? Or, at what age did his glory-hound-attention-seeking-too-rich-for-their-own-good-(there-I-said-it) parents start tossing him up mountains to encourage him to achieve his dreams?
Even "minor" injuries are not infrequent on Everest. Would you let your 13 year-old make the decision to take this kind of chance?
For crying out loud, risk of Yeti attack was never even raised in this discussion. Throwing that in to give myself and excuse to apply a yeti tag to this post.