Wednesday, August 30, 2000
Be Careful What You Wish For (Reality TV Edition)
Shameful admission: I watch Big Brother once in a while. It's a bad show. Boring. Ironically, because the people on the show seem to be genuinely nice and not interested in hurting anyone's feelings. Consequently, no matter what the producers try to do to rile things up, the contestants just band together and decide they are going to protect each other. Occasionally, you get good viewing ... well, the only time I found myself really paying attention to the show was when Curtis refused to out and out tell Karen that he didn't nominate her because he believed in the principle of not sharing that information for the good of the house. Except for Brittany (and Eddie, who sometimes looks like he's about to go ballistic), the remaining housemates are too well-adjusted and smart to want to screw with anyone. Good for them. On the other hand though, it makes you kinda wish they filled the house with nutjobs and goofballs so we could see what the Brits are seeing on their Big Brother ... Big Brother's Mel strips on camera. They've got a lesbian ex-nun and some flirts we've got brainy Curtis and Cassandra. I'd rather know Curtis and Cassandra, but I'd rather watch the kids in Britain.
Triptych Cryptic,