"We didn't know Marshals were gonna come..." Whatever. Everybody else in the world knew what was coming, weren't they watching the news?
"They didn't need guns..." Wish they hadn't, but we all saw the protester who, when interviewed on tv, babbled inanely about " ... you remember Waco? This gonna be another Waco, my friend ..." You gotta take some of soft-skulls at their word and prepare for the worst.
"It didn't have to come to this..." No, it didn't. The boy could have been given to his father, his legal and rightful custodian, as soon as was possible.
"They aren't human, the people who did this ... Janet Reno has no heart ... they are dogs ..." That's the kind of seige-mentatlity/distorted thinking that head cases indulge in before they do something stupid and monstrous to another human being.
Those Marshals are human beings. Human beings who were given the difficult job of enforcing the rule of law in hostile, potentially dangerous situation. To imply otherwise is to say that they are a legitimate target for violent actions -- that's insanity. I hope the great-uncle and cousin don't have that poor kid's head all screwed up from listening to their self-serving justifications for their immoral behavior.