I wonder, all the women protesting Elian's return to Cuba, if their child were taken by a their spouse to Cuba and the spouse died there, would they expect their child back? I think so. Hypocrites. Cuba vs. the USA should have nothing to do with it. The boy should go home. I don't even care if he wants to go or not, you think he's old enough to decide his custody situation? Bunch of crap, that's all this is.
Sunday, April 16, 2000
Elian Gonzales
Do the accusations of abuse make anyone else feel like they're getting smoke blown up their ass? And, cruel as it may be to say, even if there were some truth to it ... does Cuba get to decide which American parents are fit or unfit to raise children? It's not our call. First, the kid goes home with his father. Second, let the Cuban state decide if its citizen is fit to raise the boy.
I wonder, all the women protesting Elian's return to Cuba, if their child were taken by a their spouse to Cuba and the spouse died there, would they expect their child back? I think so. Hypocrites. Cuba vs. the USA should have nothing to do with it. The boy should go home. I don't even care if he wants to go or not, you think he's old enough to decide his custody situation? Bunch of crap, that's all this is.
I wonder, all the women protesting Elian's return to Cuba, if their child were taken by a their spouse to Cuba and the spouse died there, would they expect their child back? I think so. Hypocrites. Cuba vs. the USA should have nothing to do with it. The boy should go home. I don't even care if he wants to go or not, you think he's old enough to decide his custody situation? Bunch of crap, that's all this is.
Conservative Goons,
Triptych Cryptic