Friday, June 25, 2010

Two Polls

Marshall, Burr tied in new poll — and it's not a Democratic poll | Citizen | Independent Weekly

Talk about your post-primary bounces. Democrat Elaine Marshall, whose chances against incumbent Republican Richard Burr were little and none on Monday — according to every pundit you know — is neck-and-neck with him on Thursday in the race for Burr's U.S. Senate seat, according to a new Rasmussen Poll. And as all poll fans know, Rasmussen's polls are either OK or a little skewed to the GOP side of things. They are not in the business of making Democrats look better than they are, put it that way. Three weeks ago, Rasmussen had Marshall behind by 50-36 percent while a PPP poll had her within seven points. The new Rasmussen Poll is: Burr 44, Marshall 43 — within the margin of error, obviously.

Meanwhile, WRAL is selling the "Burr will defeat Marshall easily" line.

Here's the Rasmussen poll from June 22nd.

Marshall and Burr will debate tomorrow morning at 11am.
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