- He's part of the Republican health care reform roadblock. His website deliberately distorts the the current proposal as "government-run health care."
- He favors a Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage.
- He voted against the Lily Ledbetter Pay Act.
- He supports the privatization of Social Security.
- Reaction to the 2008 Banking Crisis was to panic and tell his wife to start withdrawing as much as possible from their bank. Personally undertaking a course of action that, if practiced by all, would have lead to a real run on banks, exacerbating the crisis and accelerating path to another Great Depression.
- He is pro-life and supports the death penalty. (Putting the "moron" back in "oxymoron".)
- He voted against the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009.
- He supports easing federal restrictions on purchase and possession of guns and legislation that would protect manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and importers of firearms from civil lawsuits by crime victims.
- Last but by no means least: that bill to extend unemployment benefits that Bunning was holding up, 19 Republicans voted against it when it finally came to a vote. One of them was Burr. There are about 400,000 unemployed in NC. Just sayin'.
Elaine Marshall, NC's current Secretary of State, is the leading Democratic candidate. Here's hoping whoever wins the Democratic primary, Marshall or any one of the others, can unseat Burr when the time comes.
All the information in this post is sourced from OpenSecrets.org, Wikipedia, WRAL.com, newsobserver.com, firedoglake.com, Project Vote Smart, & Burr's webpage.