Driving back from Nhan's (Jennifer's got a good little cook in that boy!) after the game, Nate and I were talking baseball (dissolve the Devil Rays and Expos, do away with wild card, etc...) and I had to shamefully admit that I've lived most of my life in the Northeast yet have never been to Cooperstown. Nate's from Utah, lived two years in Argentina, is seven years younger than I am, and he's already been. I need to make a list of 5 or 10 things I need to do by the end of next summer at the latest and make sure that's right near the top.
Five Sports Related Things I Need to Do Before the End of Next Summer (Rough Draft):
1. Go to Cooperstown
2. Go to ballgames at McCoy (Pawsox), Camden Yards, and Keyspan (Brooklyn Cyclones)
3. Go to Springfield with every intention of going to the basketball Hall of Fame, but stop at a local pub instead, get all tanked up until it's too late to get in, and take a leak on the back of the building.
4. Find out if there is a hockey Hall of Fame and, if so, head down to the pub and drink myself into stupor until I can't remember anymore if there is or isn't, then never think about it again
5. Go to a Huskies game other than the annual December 23rd tilt against Fairfield at the Civic Center